Brand Name: Ace
*Sub Brand: Wood Royal
*Transparency: Solid
*Tintable: No
*Sheen: Flat
*Color: Cape Cod Gray
*Coating Material: Acrylic Latex
*Product Type: Siding and Trim Stain
*Container Size: 1 gal.
*Application Method: Brush/Pad/Roller/Spray
*UV Resistant: Yes
*VOC Level: 100 g/L
*Durability: Limited Warranty year
*Sealer: Yes
*Full Cure Time: 1 day
*Recommended Surface: Smooth or Rough Wood
*Time Before Recoating: 2-4 hr.
*Coverage Area: 300-400 sq. ft.
*Water Repellent: Yes
*Polyuethane fortified
*Resists blistering, cracking and peeling
Brand Name: Ace
*Sub Brand: Wood Royal
*Transparency: Solid
*Tintable: Yes
*Sheen: Flat
*Color: tint base
*Base Type: Mid-Tone High-Hiding Base
*Coating Material: Acrylic Latex
*Product Type: Siding and Trim Stain
*Container Size: 1 gal.
*Full Cure Time: 1 day
*Coverage Area: 300-400 sq. ft.
*UV Resistant: Yes
*Durability: Limited Warranty year
*VOC Level: 100 g/L
*Sealer: Yes
*Application Method: Brush/Pad/Roller/Spray
*Recommended Surface: Smooth or Rough Wood
*Water Repellent: Yes
*Time Before Recoating: 2-4 hr.
*Polyuethane fortified
*Resists blistering, cracking and peeling
Brand Name: Ace
*Sub Brand: Wood Royal
*Transparency: Solid
*Tintable: Yes
*Sheen: Flat
*Color: tint base
*Base Type: Mid-Tone High-Hiding Base
*Coating Material: Acrylic Latex
*Product Type: Siding and Trim Stain
*Container Size: 1 qt.
*Application Method: Brush/Pad/Roller/Spray
*Coverage Area: 75-100 sq. ft.
*UV Resistant: Yes
*VOC Level: 100 g/L
*Durability: Limited Warranty year
*Time Before Recoating: 2-4 hr.
*Full Cure Time: 1 day
*Water Repellent: Yes
*Sealer: Yes
*Recommended Surface: Smooth or Rough Wood
*Polyuethane fortified
*Resists blistering, cracking and peeling
Brand Name: Ace
*Sub Brand: WoodRoyal
*Transparency: Solid
*Tintable: Yes
*Sheen: Flat
*Color: tint base
*Base Type: Mid-Tone High-Hiding Base
*Coating Material: Latex
*Product Type: Siding and Trim Stain
*Container Size: 5 gal.
*Time Before Recoating: 2-4 hr.
*VOC Level: 100 g/L
*Coverage Area: 1200-1600 sq. ft.
*Sealer: Yes
*Water Repellent: Yes
*Recommended Surface: Smooth or Rough Wood
*Full Cure Time: 1 day
*UV Resistant: Yes
*Durability: Limited Warranty year
*Application Method: Brush
*Polyuethane fortified
*Resists blistering, cracking and peeling
Brand Name: Ace
*Sub Brand: Wood Royal
*Transparency: Solid
*Tintable: Yes
*Sheen: Flat
*Color: tint base
*Base Type: Neutral Base
*Coating Material: Acrylic Latex
*Product Type: Siding and Trim Stain
*Container Size: 5 gal.
*Sealer: Yes
*Water Repellent: Yes
*UV Resistant: Yes
*Application Method: Brush/Pad/Roller/Spray
*Time Before Recoating: 2-4 hr.
*VOC Level: 100 g/L
*Recommended Surface: Smooth or Rough Wood
*Durability: Limited Warranty year
*Coverage Area: 1500-2000 sq. ft.
*Full Cure Time: 1 day
*Polyuethane fortified
*Resists blistering, cracking and peeling
Brand Name: Ace
*Sub Brand: Wood Royal
*Transparency: Solid
*Tintable: Yes
*Sheen: Flat
*Color: tint base
*Base Type: Neutral Base
*Coating Material: Acrylic Latex
*Product Type: Siding and Trim Stain
*Container Size: 1 gal.
*UV Resistant: Yes
*Water Repellent: Yes
*Coverage Area: 300-400 sq. ft.
*Application Method: Brush/Pad/Roller/Spray
*Recommended Surface: Smooth or Rough Wood
*VOC Level: 100 g/L
*Full Cure Time: 1 day
*Durability: Limited Warranty year
*Sealer: Yes
*Time Before Recoating: 2-4 hr.
*Polyuethane fortified
*Resists blistering, cracking and peeling
Brand Name: Ace
*Sub Brand: Wood Royal
*Transparency: Solid
*Tintable: Yes
*Sheen: Flat
*Color: tint base
*Base Type: Neutral Base
*Coating Material: Acrylic Latex
*Product Type: Siding and Trim Stain
*Container Size: 1 qt.
*Recommended Surface: Smooth or Rough Wood
*Durability: Limited Warranty year
*Sealer: Yes
*Coverage Area: 75-100 sq. ft.
*UV Resistant: Yes
*Water Repellent: Yes
*Time Before Recoating: 2-4 hr.
*VOC Level: 100 g/L
*Full Cure Time: 1 day
*Application Method: Brush/Pad/Roller/Spray
*Polyuethane fortified
*Resists blistering, cracking and peeling
Brand Name: Ace
*Sub Brand: Wood Royal
*Transparency: Solid
*Tintable: No
*Sheen: Flat
*Color: Oxford Brown
*Coating Material: Acrylic Latex
*Product Type: Siding and Trim Stain
*Container Size: 1 gal.
*Coverage Area: 300-400 sq. ft.
*Time Before Recoating: 2-4 hr.
*Sealer: Yes
*UV Resistant: Yes
*Recommended Surface: Smooth or Rough Wood
*VOC Level: 100 g/L
*Water Repellent: Yes
*Application Method: Brush/Pad/Roller/Spray
*Full Cure Time: 1 day
Brand Name: Ace
*Sub Brand: Wood Royal
*Transparency: Solid
*Tintable: Yes
*Sheen: Flat
*Color: tint base
*Base Type: Ultra White Base
*Coating Material: Acrylic Latex
*Product Type: Siding and Trim Stain
*Container Size: 5 gal.
*Time Before Recoating: 2-4 hr.
*Sealer: Yes
*VOC Level: 100 g/L
*Application Method: Brush/Pad/Roller/Spray
*Coverage Area: 1500-2000 sq. ft.
*Full Cure Time: 1 day
*Water Repellent: Yes
*Durability: Limited Warranty year
*Recommended Surface: Smooth or Rough Wood
*UV Resistant: Yes
*Polyuethane fortified
*Resists blistering, cracking and peeling
Brand Name: Ace
*Sub Brand: Wood Royal
*Transparency: Solid
*Tintable: Yes
*Sheen: Flat
*Color: tint base
*Base Type: Ultra White Base
*Coating Material: Acrylic Latex
*Product Type: Siding and Trim Stain
*Container Size: 1 gal.
*Full Cure Time: 1 day
*Application Method: Brush/Pad/Roller/Spray
*VOC Level: 100 g/L
*Sealer: Yes
*Time Before Recoating: 2-4 hr.
*UV Resistant: Yes
*Recommended Surface: Smooth or Rough Wood
*Coverage Area: 300-400 sq. ft.
*Water Repellent: Yes
*Durability: Limited Warranty year
*Polyuethane fortified
*Resists blistering, cracking and peeling
Brand Name: Ace
*Sub Brand: Wood Royal
*Transparency: Solid
*Tintable: No
*Sheen: Flat
*Color: Virginia White
*Coating Material: Acrylic Latex
*Product Type: Siding and Trim Stain
*Container Size: 1 gal.
*UV Resistant: Yes
*Water Repellent: Yes
*Application Method: Brush/Pad/Roller/Spray
*Recommended Surface: Smooth or Rough Wood
*Time Before Recoating: 2-4 hr.
*Durability: Limited Warranty year
*Coverage Area: 300-400 sq. ft.
*Sealer: Yes
*VOC Level: 100 g/L
*Full Cure Time: 1 day
*Polyuethane fortified
*Resists blistering, cracking and peeling
Brand Name: Ace
*Sub Brand: Wood Royal
*Transparency: Solid
*Tintable: Yes
*Sheen: Flat
*Color: tint base
*Base Type: Mid-Tone Base
*Coating Material: Acrylic Latex
*Product Type: Siding and Trim Stain
*Container Size: 5 gal.
*Recommended Surface: Smooth or Rough Wood
*Application Method: Brush/Pad/Roller/Spray
*Durability: Limited Warranty year
*VOC Level: 100 g/L
*UV Resistant: Yes
*Full Cure Time: 1 day
*Time Before Recoating: 2-4 hr.
*Sealer: Yes
*Water Repellent: Yes
*Coverage Area: 1500-2000 sq. ft.
*Polyuethane fortified
*Resists blistering, cracking and peeling
Brand Name: Ace
*Sub Brand: Wood Royal
*Transparency: Solid
*Tintable: Yes
*Sheen: Flat
*Color: tint base
*Base Type: Deep Base
*Coating Material: Acrylic Latex
*Product Type: Deck and Siding Stain
*Container Size: 1 gal.
*Water Repellent: Yes
*Full Cure Time: 1 day
*Coverage Area: 350-400 sq. ft.
*VOC Level: 100 g/L
*UV Resistant: Yes
*Time Before Recoating: 18-24 hr.
*Durability: 5 Years year
*Application Method: Brush
*Recommended Surface: Previously Stained or Painted Wood
*Sealer: Yes
*Superior adhesion
*Primer and stain in one
*Shows texture
*Hides grain
*Resists peeling and fading
*Mildew resistant
Brand Name: Ace
*Sub Brand: Wood Royal
*Transparency: Solid
*Tintable: Yes
*Sheen: Flat
*Color: tint base
*Base Type: Deep Base
*Coating Material: Acrylic Latex
*Product Type: Deck and Siding Stain
*Container Size: 1 qt.
*Durability: 5 Years year
*Sealer: Yes
*Water Repellent: Yes
*VOC Level: 100 g/L
*Application Method: Brush
*Time Before Recoating: 18-24 hr.
*UV Resistant: Yes
*Recommended Surface: Previously Stained or Painted Wood
*Coverage Area: 350-400 sq. ft.
*Full Cure Time: 1 day
*Superior adhesion
*Primer and stain in one
*Shows texture
*Hides grain
*Resists peeling and fading
*Mildew resistant
Brand Name: Ace
*Sub Brand: Wood Royal
*Transparency: Solid
*Tintable: Yes
*Sheen: Flat
*Color: tint base
*Base Type: Light Base
*Coating Material: Acrylic Latex
*Product Type: Deck and Siding Stain
*Container Size: 1 gal.
*Water Repellent: Yes
*Sealer: Yes
*Application Method: Brush
*Coverage Area: 350-400 sq. ft.
*Recommended Surface: Previously Stained or Painted Wood
*VOC Level: 100 g/L
*UV Resistant: Yes
*Time Before Recoating: 18-24 hr.
*Durability: 5 Years year
*Full Cure Time: 1 day
*Superior adhesion
*Primer and stain in one
*Shows texture
*Hides grain
*Resists peeling and fading
*Mildew resistant
Brand Name: Ace
*Sub Brand: Wood Royal
*Transparency: Solid
*Tintable: Yes
*Sheen: Flat
*Color: tint base
*Base Type: Light Base
*Coating Material: Acrylic Latex
*Product Type: Deck and Siding Stain
*Container Size: 1 qt.
*Application Method: Brush
*Time Before Recoating: 18-24 hr.
*Water Repellent: Yes
*Full Cure Time: 1 day
*Sealer: Yes
*UV Resistant: Yes
*Coverage Area: 350-400 sq. ft.
*VOC Level: 100 g/L
*Durability: 5 Years year
*Recommended Surface: Previously Stained or Painted Wood
*Superior adhesion
*Primer and stain in one
*Shows texture
*Hides grain
*Resists peeling and fading
*Mildew resistant
Brand Name: Ace
*Sub Brand: Wood Royal
*Transparency: Solid
*Tintable: Yes
*Sheen: Flat
*Color: tint base
*Base Type: Medium Base
*Coating Material: Acrylic Latex
*Product Type: Deck and Siding Stain
*Container Size: 1 gal.
*VOC Level: 100 g/L
*Sealer: Yes
*Full Cure Time: 1 day
*Recommended Surface: Previously Stained or Painted Wood
*Application Method: Brush
*UV Resistant: Yes
*Time Before Recoating: 18-24 hr.
*Durability: 5 Years year
*Water Repellent: Yes
*Coverage Area: 350-400 sq. ft.
*Superior adhesion
*Primer and stain in one
*Shows texture
*Hides grain
*Resists peeling and fading
*Mildew resistant
Brand Name: Ace
*Sub Brand: Wood Royal
*Transparency: Solid
*Tintable: Yes
*Sheen: Flat
*Color: tint base
*Base Type: Medium Base
*Coating Material: Acrylic Latex
*Product Type: Deck and Siding Stain
*Container Size: 1 qt.
*Sealer: Yes
*VOC Level: 100 g/L
*Time Before Recoating: 18-24 hr.
*Full Cure Time: 1 day
*Durability: 5 Years year
*Application Method: Brush
*UV Resistant: Yes
*Water Repellent: Yes
*Coverage Area: 350-400 sq. ft.
*Recommended Surface: Previously Stained or Painted Wood
*Superior adhesion
*Primer and stain in one
*Shows texture
*Hides grain
*Resists peeling and fading
*Mildew resistant
Brand Name: Ace
*Sub Brand: Wood Royal
*Transparency: Solid
*Tintable: No
*Sheen: Flat
*Color: Redwood
*Coating Material: Acrylic Latex
*Product Type: Deck and Siding Stain
*Container Size: 1 gal.
*UV Resistant: Yes
*Sealer: Yes
*VOC Level: 100 g/L
*Full Cure Time: 1 day
*Recommended Surface: Previously Stained or Painted Wood
*Coverage Area: 350-400 sq. ft.
*Application Method: Brush
*Durability: 5 Years year
*Time Before Recoating: 18-24 hr.
*Water Repellent: Yes
*Superior adhesion
*Primer and stain in one
*Shows texture
*Hides grain
*Resists peeling and fading
*Mildew resistant
Brand Name: Ace
*Sub Brand: Wood Royal
*Transparency: Solid
*Tintable: Yes
*Sheen: Flat
*Color: tint base
*Base Type: Mid-Tone Base
*Coating Material: Penetrating Oil
*Product Type: Siding and Trim Stain
*Container Size: 1 gal.
*Full Cure Time: 1 day
*Sealer: Yes
*VOC Level: 350 g/L
*Coverage Area: 150-300 sq. ft.
*Application Method: Brush
*Water Repellent: Yes
*Recommended Surface: Smooth or Rough Wood
*UV Resistant: Yes
*Durability: Limited Warranty year
*Time Before Recoating: 18 hr.
*Polyuethane fortified
*Resists blistering, cracking and peeling
Brand Name: Ace
*Sub Brand: Wood Royal
*Transparency: Semi-Transparent
*Tintable: No
*Color: Natural Cedar
*Coating Material: Penetrating Oil
*Product Type: Deck and Siding Stain
*Container Size: 5 gal.
*Recommended Surface: Smooth or Rough Wood
*Full Cure Time: 1 day
*VOC Level: 550 g/L
*Time Before Recoating: 18 hr.
*Water Repellent: Yes
*UV Resistant: Yes
*Sealer: Yes
*Coverage Area: 600-1200 sq. ft.
*Durability: Limited Warranty year
*Application Method: Brush
*Polyuethane fortified
*Resists blistering, cracking and peeling
Brand Name: Ace
*Sub Brand: Wood Royal
*Transparency: Semi-Transparent
*Tintable: No
*Color: Natural Cedar
*Coating Material: Penetrating Oil
*Product Type: Deck and Siding Stain
*Container Size: 1 gal.
*Durability: Limited Warranty year
*VOC Level: 550 g/L
*Coverage Area: 150-300 sq. ft.
*Full Cure Time: 1 day
*UV Resistant: Yes
*Time Before Recoating: 18 hr.
*Recommended Surface: Smooth or Rough Wood
*Water Repellent: Yes
*Sealer: Yes
*Application Method: Brush
*Polyuethane fortified
*Resists blistering, cracking and peeling
Brand Name: Ace
*Sub Brand: Wood Royal
*Transparency: Semi-Transparent
*Tintable: Yes
*Color: tint base
*Base Type: Neutral Base
*Coating Material: Penetrating Oil
*Product Type: Deck and Siding Stain
*Container Size: 5 gal.
*VOC Level: 550 g/L
*UV Resistant: Yes
*Time Before Recoating: 18 hr.
*Sealer: Yes
*Coverage Area: 600-1200 sq. ft.
*Full Cure Time: 1 day
*Water Repellent: Yes
*Durability: Limited Warranty year
*Recommended Surface: Smooth or Rough Wood
*Application Method: Brush
*Polyuethane fortified
*Resists blistering, cracking and peeling
Brand Name: Ace
*Sub Brand: Wood Royal
*Transparency: Semi-Transparent
*Tintable: Yes
*Color: tint base
*Base Type: Neutral Base
*Coating Material: Penetrating Oil
*Product Type: Deck and Siding Stain
*Container Size: 1 gal.
*Full Cure Time: 1 day
*UV Resistant: Yes
*Recommended Surface: Smooth or Rough Wood
*Water Repellent: Yes
*Sealer: Yes
*Time Before Recoating: 18 hr.
*Application Method: Brush
*Durability: Limited Warranty year
*VOC Level: 550 g/L
*Coverage Area: 150-300 sq. ft.
*Not compatible with new colorant
*NovoColor HP/Paint Studio compliant Ace No. 1337542
*Polyuethane fortified
*Resists blistering, cracking and peeling